Novembre è il periodo in cui tiriamo fuori le nostre carte di credito per acquistare da marchi che vendono prodotti fantastici con sconti enormi, come i corsi di trading sulle criptovalute del Black Friday. Tutti amano gli sconti enormi, ed è per questo che il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday sono diventati estremamente popolari tra i marchi e i consumatori. Non è una novità che migliaia di aziende offrano mega offerte in quasi tutte le categorie possibili per attirare i clienti. Se siete già in possesso di Bitcoin, vi consigliamo di dare un’occhiata alla nostra lista dei posti migliori dove spendere i vostri bitcoin durante il Black Friday.
- Cos’è il Black Friday?
- Offerte di criptovalute del venerdì nero
- Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Buy, Sell, Trade Cryptocurrency
- Dapp University
- My Tech Academy
- Cryptocurrency Wallets Course: Secure Your Cryptos Safely
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
- The Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Course – With Strategies
- Approfittate delle vendite massicce
Che cos’è il Black Friday?
![Black Friday Cryptocurrency Trading Courses](
Negli Stati Uniti, il Black Friday è una festività commerciale osservata il quarto giovedì di novembre, il giorno successivo al Giorno del Ringraziamento. Di solito segna l’inizio della stagione dello shopping natalizio. In questo giorno, le aziende offrono sconti enormi e vendite promozionali, attirando un gran numero di clienti sia in negozio che online.
Il nome “Black Friday” è apparso per la prima volta negli anni ’60 a Filadelfia, quando veniva utilizzato per descrivere il traffico intenso e le strade affollate di acquirenti che si accalcavano presso i rivenditori. Il Black Friday è diventato famoso in tutto il mondo, con diversi Paesi che hanno adottato il concetto e offerto offerte similmente vantaggiose.
Tuttavia, con la crescente popolarità dello shopping online, è nata una nuova controparte: il Cyber Monday. Dopo il successo del Black Friday, i rivenditori online hanno voluto creare un evento simile per incoraggiare i consumatori a fare acquisti online.
Tradizionalmente, il Black Friday si concentrava sulle attività commerciali in mattoni e malta, mentre il Cyber Monday, iniziato nel 2005, incoraggiava gli acquisti online il lunedì successivo.
Tuttavia, con la crescente popolarità dello shopping online, la distinzione tra Black Friday e Cyber Monday è sfumata. I rivenditori hanno iniziato a proporre le offerte del Black Friday online e a prolungare la durata delle vendite per catturare un pubblico più vasto. La concorrenza e la sovrapposizione hanno portato a un lancio anticipato delle offerte, a periodi di vendita più lunghi e a uno spostamento significativo verso le offerte online.
Offerte di criptovalute del venerdì nero
A causa della crescente tendenza allo shopping e al consumismo online, le offerte del Black Friday si sono estese a settori come le criptovalute su scala globale. Molti dei vostri progetti, aziende e influencer preferiti potrebbero offrire offerte per il Black Friday.
Alcune delle offerte che ci si può aspettare provengono da corsi di scambiare criptovalute, piattaformadiscambio, abbonamenti per il mercato alfa e altro ancora. Ecco un elenco delle nostre migliori scelte per le offerte sui corsi di trading in criptovalute del venerdì nero.
Corsi di trading sulle criptovalute del venerdì nero
What better way to start your journey than with this introductory teaching on the basics of buying and selling cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. This course includes over an hour’s worth of on-demand video, certificate of completion, downloadable resource, and full lifetime access.
Taught by George Levy, the Chief Learning Officer at Blockchain Institute of Technology (BIT). The course has an average rating of 4.6 and over 76,000 students. Expect a mega Black Friday deal from Levy for this course.
This course is for beginner traders, and it teaches the founding blocks of cryptocurrencies, how they came to be, how to store them. The course instructor then walks you through the process of trading cryptocurrency on a trading exchange.
This involves placing buy orders and tracking the market and price movements for your favorite cryptocurrency. Other popular concepts included in this course are stablecoins, tokens, crypto to fiat conversions, and others.
Dapp University
Dapp University is an online blockchain developer bootcamp. It is the product of Gregory who operates the aptly named YouTube channel, Dapp University. Gregory is a full stack blockchain developer who has experience working in the field of cryptocurrency.
His YouTube channel covers everything from market insights, new developments and events, and even offers free tutorials on several different blockchain starter projects and applications. The Dapp University bootcamp covers a multitude of topics. It takes you from having little to no knowledge about cryptocurrency to an in-demand blockchain developer.
Upon completion of the course, Dapp University guides you on your journey to get a job in the field. As you are taking the course, you will build real world projects, which upon completion, allowing you to have a portfolio to leverage during your job search.
My Tech Academy
My Tech Academy is a comprehensive online learning platform that covers a multitude of IT and financial topics. It was created by Eli Whitehead who has experience in the finance industry from creating quantitative or algorithmic trading programs.
My Tech Academy has courses on cryptocurrency, web2 programming, information technology, and many other topics. Some of the topics that you will learn about cryptocurrency include Ethereum, Bitcoin, DeFi, and more. In the realm of IT you will learn about web2 concepts and also gain experience from building real projects and consulting with instructors that have years of real world experience.
You can also gain access to the Futures Live Trading Room when you gain the Ellte All-Access Plan. Here, students can watch Eli trade live and get feedback from other students on their trading strategies, successes, and losses.
If you’ve claimed the mega-deals above, the next step is to learn how to safeguard your assets using cryptocurrency wallets. This course provides all the knowledge that you need.
The crypto wallets course is run by a Crypto and Social Media Specialist based in the U.K., with over 339,000 students enrolled. We anticipate a 50 – 80% discount from this instructor due to the popularity of this lecture.
This course is available on Udemy, and it takes you through everything there is to know about wallets. This is a 2 hours on-demand lecture that is easy to understand. You learn about the different types and classes of wallets, how to create each one, and when to use them. The instructor gives you an up-close and personal touch to the wallets, particularly the hardware wallets and how they operate.
The primary requirement for this course is a computer with an internet connection. Just like everything done in the crypto space, you can get connected and secure your digital assets quickly enough.
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Understanding what Bitcoin is and what it stands for is important before you start trading. Bitcoin was created for a reason. It’s beyond the frequent volatile swings. This course is an eye-opener for potential day traders. Princeton University runs the Coursera-hosted exposition, and it is a beginners’ course into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
In this course, you get to go through Bitcoin in its entirety. These include both the technical and regulatory sides. You understand what the asset is, how it works, its safety and anonymity standards, and regulation prospects.
The course is perfect for crypto beginners, although industry experts could also learn a thing or two. Arvind Narayanan, an associate professor of computer science at Princeton University, will take the course, and you can enroll for free now.
The last but not least offer in our list is this advanced day trading course for intermediate cryptocurrency traders. This course skips all the foundational blocks in the other courses. You’ll learn how to analyze Order Flow, reading Order Book, and other essential terms for active trading like the Time of Sales. It goes into more technical details.
At course completion, you’ll learn how to become an expert at reading Chart and Candlestick Patterns. On top of that, you’ll learn Market Making, Triangular Arbitrage, and a host of other trading strategies that you can implement to profit from.
If you’re serious about learning to trade the crypto market like a Pro, you should snag this course once the price crashes for Black Friday.
Approfittate delle vendite massicce
Ecco a voi. La nostra lista di alcune delle migliori offerte del Black Friday e del Cyber Monday da tenere d’occhio. Da anni molti chiedono un aumento della formazione sulle criptovalute. Con la continua crescita del settore, non c’è nulla di male nell’imparare a scambiare asset.
Ultimamente il Bitcoin è in rialzo. Questo significa che i trader più intelligenti stanno facendo il pieno di soldi per scambiare sul mercato. Con l’avvicinarsi del Black Friday e l’adeguamento dei prezzi da parte degli istruttori per attirare più acquirenti e fare più vendite, approfittate di queste vendite massicce sui corsi di trading sulle criptovalute del Black Friday e ampliate i vostri orizzonti.
Frequently asked questions
Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally marking the start of the holiday shopping season. It is renowned for offering significant discounts and deals across a wide range of products in both physical stores and online. This shopping event has gained international recognition, with many countries around the world now participating in Black Friday sales.
Cryptocurrency courses typically differ in scope. While some cover a broad array of topics, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or blockchains, other may teach smart contract programming. It is best to choose a cryptocurrency course based on your personal needs.
In today’s environment, users have plenty of courses to choose from when it comes to crypto trading courses. Udemy courses like “Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Buy, Sell, Trade Cryptocurrency” comes with a certification. Students may be able to leverage job opportunities given certifications.
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